Top Search Rankings

Improve Web Visibility - Confused by all the claims to get you top ranking?

You've probably seen online ads, or received eMails promising to get your web site "top ranking" in all of the major search engines." By now, either you have taken them up on their offer and been severely disappointed, or ignored their claims only to wonder how your can possibly get search visibility with so much competition.

First, let's make sure we're talking about the same things. When it comes to online search, there are basically two types of visibility; one you pay for to get ranked high (pay-for-performance) and one, organic / free / natural search where the search engines regularly visit your site (and others) to "index" your content and rank your visibility based on a number of complicated formulas and rules. Generally, unless you pay for your ranking, you have to get in the ring with dozens, perhaps hundreds and tens of thousands of others competing for the same spot. Of course you'll get listed in the search results, but who wants to be on the tenth page? For that matter, most searchers rarely go beyond the first or second page of results.

You can clearly see that companies promising "high organic search results" are looking at a tall order. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it. This is where Viewmark takes a different approach.

We believe that it is both an art and a science to obtain successful (high) natural organic rankings on major search engines. Like any other marketing program, it requires careful thought, strategic direction, and technical know-how. And, because organic (free) search is completely fluid and subject to the changing conditions and algorithms of the major engines, search optimization requires an approach tailored to your business, services, and (most importantly) content of your web site.

Today, it's not enough to simply add meta tags and keywords. Rather, it is critical that your search terms be developed from words and phrases your customers use to locate you. And, they must relate directly to the content you have on each and every page!

Search Optimization is also not a one-time task, but an ongoing process of developing, implementing, managing, monitoring and adjusting keywords to maintain and enhance rankings you've worked so hard to achieve.

Viewmark has been highly successful in garnering the right search visibility of its clients; from FORTUNE 100 to small and entrepreneurial. Our staff routinely speaks at major international conferences on the topic, and has developed methods to deploy and monitor our success on a daily basis. That's why when you want to be "found" on the web, we deliver what others only promise.